Thursday, November 14, 2013

Christmas time is here (yep, already)

The holiday season is upon us! For us, as soon as Halloween is over (which we are glad about, because we don't celebrate it!), we start playing Christmas music and watching Christmas movies on Hallmark channel. In fact, I was in tears the other night thinking about how Bubby and I used to spend nap time every day watching those wonderful Christmas movies. (Now he sleeps on his own, so I don't have my little sweet cuddle bug anymore.) I get very sappy and emotional around Christmas time, because I often think about Christmas memories I have with my family and just how special they were. Of course, I get teary eyed over everything these days! My eyes are like faucets!

My daughter watches a little DVD that has all of the old time Christmas songs (Rudolph, Santa Claus is Comin to Town) and she absolutely loves it! She watched every day last year too! She is very excited about Christmas. She is also very excited about snow. Lastnight, as I was tucking her into bed, she said, "I want snow. I'm gonna tell Jesus I want snow!" Hey, at least she knows who to ask. ;)

I've been on a baking kick; as much as our budget will allow me to be. I even got the high compliment from my mother in law that she likes my homemade pumpkin pie, as she thought it was store bought. My bio on here says I can't bake, which is true mostly! I enjoy the spontaneity of cooking and the fact that if you mess up a little, it won't be noticeable. Baking, on the other hand, is very precise. Maybe that's something I need to learn. I'm even going to get out my bread maker that I've used 3 or less times in the last five years and make different homemade breads. My husband would love it if all of our bread was homemade and since my bread maker is literally the easiest thing in the world to use, I suppose I could do it!

I'm now no longer just playing piano in the key of C! Woohoo! My piano book got me started the other day in the key of G and I was suuuper excited. I had learned some G chords a couple of years ago, so that kinda helped me out a little, but it is so fun. I also went through one of my piano books and marked all of the songs I want to learn. I've learned three so far and have relearned one I was playing in C! I really really want a piano, which one of my aunts is planning on giving me hers. But good luck finding the time and help to move it! We will see! For now, I'll just keep clunkin away on my old keyboard and freaking out when I play it on the piano at church because it sounds/feels different!

The Lord has been working in our lives and of course, the devil has been fighting our home! But I've resolved to continue to stand strong and keep on keepin on! I'm learning to have patience for the Lord's will to come to pass, although that isn't easy! I just try not to dwell on it too much and take this time to grow and learn.

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