Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is Sunday! A lot of people say I ought to celebrate the holiday as well, because I am an expecting mother. I guess if you want to throw over some chocolate and new clothes, I'm down with it. Before I do become a Mom, however, I'd like to really just enjoy this Mother's day as a day to honor my own mother.
She and I have been through a lot in the past year. With my getting married and learning to cleave to my husband, she and I have found different places in each other's lives. She's still my Mommy, still one of my best friends, and still one I call when I need advice. However, her role is different. It's been a little hard for the both of us to let each other go, but that is how the Bible intended it. One of the worst things a Mom can do to their adult child is not let them go and grow up (on their own). & Mom probably wanted me to stay. She probably wanted me to be a young girl forever; eating her mac & cheese every day and watching BH 90210 endlessly. She probably felt very threatened when she realized Josh was becoming my true best friend and she was falling into second place. However, she loved me enough to let me go. Even if she has disagreed with my decisions or has wanted to say - "Um that's a stupid idea" - she has let me get on with life. I don't think I could have become a wife without her doing that. I probably would have stayed a baby forever, spoiled by her Momma.
One thing I am so proud of my Mom for is her decision to walk with Christ. She had led a life for a long time believing she was a Christian, when she knew in her heart when she wasn't. I remember how heartbroken I was when I began to feel like I needed to pray for her salvation. Yes, my mom was always the one to put us in church and yes she is one of the major reasons I ended up in church. However, she'll tell you she went twenty years or more blinded; thinking the same old lie that you, me, and everyone else has either believed or still believe. When she called me and told me about her decision, I was so happy. I was so proud. & I was relieved to know that she'd be in Heaven with me one day. Nothing is worse than knowing your own parents don't know Christ. Nothing will ever give you more grief.
Lastly, I am just so happy that my Mom is who she is. I love her very much. & I cannot wait to begin to understand the love she has for me when Constance makes her arrival. I really hope I can be just as loving as she was.

Mom has been my Mommy for almost 20 years. Phew. & I still love her. I'm still her girl, even if our attention is going to be diverted to another little girl soon.

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Thanks for reading my post! & God bless! :)