Monday, November 25, 2013

Thoughts I get from my 3 year old

'It's been a crazy few days. My husband has had to work a lot of mandatory overtime (where he goes in at 3am) and he even had to miss church yesterday morning. :( So between him working and sleeping, I've been having to keep myself busy. My last post was about things I've been cooking/baking and that is totally the essence of my life these days. I've been living in my kitchen. It's hilarious to think I used to hate cooking! But it's kind of therapeutic for me to make something new, with my hubby in mind, and hear him gush over it when he comes home. Plus, it keeps my mind from getting idle, which is always definitely a good thing. (I've got a crazy brain that moves a million miles a minute!)
My daughter said something this morning that really jumped out at me. I'm someone that hears lessons in just about everything, so it may seem a little silly that I took something out of this. We were talking about a lollipop an older fella at church gave Nathaniel yesterday and Constance wanted it! I told her no and she said, "but Mommy, this will make Jesus happy." Ha! She's starting to learn that doing certain things makes The Lord smile. (Not that this ploy worked, anyway.) But it got me thinking. 
If we are saved, we have the Holy Spirit inside of us. Sometimes it's easy to think of God, even as a saved person, as a far away person that sees everything, that He is just up in Heaven. However, scripture tells us that He lives inside of us. He feels our pain, our joy, our excitement, and our worries. If He can see, experience, and feel all of that ... couldn't He also feel the things we do that make Him unhappy? Like when we are too shy to share the Gospel? Or when we watch a movie we shouldn't watch? Or when we drink something we shouldn't be drinking? My pastor spoke on this very thing a few weeks ago, saying, "I wonder what all we have to put the Holy Spirit through."
Yikes! See, God isn't Santa Claus. He isn't some rosy faced grandpa smiling down from the clouds says, "that sin ain't no big deal son." He can't look upon sin. When His sinless and perfect Son hung on the cross, bearing the sin of every man, woman, boy and girl, He had to turn His back on Him. Thus the reason why Jesus cried, "my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
If that very same God lives within us as the Holy Spirit, what are we putting Him through? Are we making Him happy by serving Him and living our lives in a way that would please Him? Or are we making decisions over and over again that makes Him feel those nails one more time?
God doesn't expect perfection out of Christians. That is ultimately why Christ died on the cross. He paid that sin debt! However, that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when we do sin. That doesn't mean His Spirit inside of us is grieved when we say, "no, Lord. I'm going to do this my way."
I know that's a lot to derive out of a little ploy from my 3 year old to eat a lollipop, but hey, I'm a stay at home mom. I have a lot of time on my hands to think! So I'm definitely going to be in prayer and study about this. I'm very guilty of taking for granted the fact that Christ lives within me and that when I sin, I hurt Him. Thankfully, by grace, I can always do better. :) 

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Thanks for reading my post! & God bless! :)